Looking for Female Unreal VR Developers in the SF Bay area

How many times I’ve tried to explain to my GF that having 50/50 male/female representation in the council of ministers is not being ‘‘fair trade’’ lol (I live in Canada). What if 30% female and 70% was the best, what if 70% female and 30% was the best… noooooooooooooooooo she don’t want to hear it, if it doesn’t have 50% women it’s not fair. Oh well!

(sorry if it’s off-topic haha)

Can some of you people leave “PC” bull out of Unreal Forum ?
Game development used to be an intellectual hobby/job, it’s about your knowledge and skills not what you have between your legs.

Women did game development???

Some people (Or even a country) will learn that the hard way…

:smiley: thx for the relax

Some of the pioneers of programming were women.

Of course i know of the contributions of women in the tech sector. I meant as in actual game development, i know some do art and others do music but actually making a game?? And a good one too???

Over 500 games are released each DAY and you didn’t think there was a single female game developer?

And a good one? Let’s start with Roberta Williams and King’s Quest…

No offense but if it weren’t for you i wouldn’t even know this game existed. Please don’t take it the wrong way, i thought women weren’t really intrested in game dev except for specialized roles.

Sometimes I get upset that game dev has such a bad reputation among women (at least in my age range/city).
Then I read threads or online discussions among game devs like this one.
And I think: Oh, yeah that makes sense. If I was a woman, I would probably feel the same way now.

Just don’t try to make things into gender issues and they won’t be.

^ This :slight_smile:

Also, Anne Westfall is a name I remember, as she was responsible for one of my all time favourite games (back in the day): Archon.

There are women in game dev and always have been, but for the past 15 years or so it’s been more of a ‘boys club’ than ever. I don’t blame this so much on the development community, as society as a whole. In the 80s and early 90s, ‘video games were for little boys’. Those little boys grew up to be game developers.

I lecture at universities every so often, and the demographics are changing fast - a lot of the classes I teach still have a male majority, but the female minority certainly isn’t small (maybe about 40%). These are the kids who grew up in the 2000s primarily in the 360 / PS3 era.

This is why I am voting Trump. My hand is being forced to stamp the X by trump because of this political correctness. Actually I am not even an American so I can’t even vote. But the point is one should be hired based on their ability to perform, their credentials, hiring someone based on Gender or Race is discrimination and illegal in many places.

This is what political correctness has done to society, so sad that it has made discrimination acceptable. Hopefully Trump wins and everyone can start eradicating this form of discrimination.

Google it!

When you harvest to many females through this thread and need help handling them, i can offer help(for cute ones only)!

Come on, we’re trying to have a serious conversation here.

Hiring based on Gender or Race is discrimination. Its also poor business practice and morally degrading to society.

Aye. Some may say that it is ‘Positive’ discrimination, but at that point, are you not discriminating against males? Discrimination is discrimination.

Yup, one of the problems with society these days is that we are so politically correct that we now accept discrimination as long as its against males, When I look at what is happening I can’t help but stand up against this kind of practice.

You are right, they call it “positive discrimination” these days. And no matter how you sugarcoat it, discrimination is discrimination. As a matter of fact hiring based on gender or race is like hiring friends and family.

The OP says he is willing to accept someone less qualified for the job as long as its a woman, this is the same as nepotism. And I live in Trinidad and Tobago a country while not bad by any means is still ripe with nepotism. My friends and I can’t get a job with our science and engineering degrees but places hire people with nothing and who are family or friends with people working in a company they also make sure to hire good looking pretty women over other more qualified women aswell as men on general. This has created a lazy workforce in Trinidad, unproductive and often bankruptcy in companies especially state owned.

It really really angers me to see people accept discrimination and nepotism like this because they think its “positive and progressive discrimination”