Looking for Devs to join a Team to Build Up Our Skills No Experiance Needed (And Make Portfollio Games)

Hello, I want to connect with other devs who also want to improve their skills in Unreal Engine 5.

I like many others starting out have a pretty empty list of completed games in my portfolio and I want us to help each other fill it up.

My plan is to form a small team and make a small game a week. Devs can be any skill level since this is all about improving our skills. I want to create a friendly environment where we can all push each other forward.

One vital skill that I want to improve and one that any dev would appreciate is the ability to work in a team. That is one of the core aspects that this team will focus on.

Zero experience needed as long as you are dedicated to learning. Plus you don’t have to join in every week or every day if you don’t have the time. If you can only work for a small amount of time then just say so and pick responsibilities you think you can accomplish. Here you will get out whatever you put in.

Also it would be great to have a variety of skill sets to compliment each other such as artist, sound, programers, etc.

I recently created a Discord server to join if you or anyone you know is interested: Unreal Learning

Hi, may not the thing you search for because its a very ambitious project for a small indie team but maybe you are interested, we are a bunch of indie hobbyists with different skills working on a Multiplayer Arena PvP game. Nothing to quickly fill a portfolio but something you could work as a side project and may provide you a really big portfolio project in the end. Currently things look quite good even if it will take multiple years to complete. Check out my latest update on the forum: [UNPAID/REV-SHARE HOBBY PROJECT] Shadowfall - Third Person Multiplayer PvP Game with Action Combat - Community / Got Skills? Looking for Talent? - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)