Long compile times for C++


I encountered extremely long compile times for a simple project with an empty class and some plugin classes I’m developing on. For example this one:

With “only” 15 actions. I tried Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019 and IncrediBuild but nothing helps. When I package the project all is fine, but with HotReload or by building the Editor variant it takes insanely long. I’m using the binary version of the engine. All compilers etc. are installed on my internal HDD. I have an i7 4790K.
Do you have any idea how to speed this up?

Best regards! :slight_smile:

Did you replace “EngineMinimal.h” or “CoreMinimal.h” with “Engine.h” in your classes as seen in most the tutorials online ?

If you have done that then the compile time will expand significantly.

Thank you very much for that hint!
I discovered, that the from UE generated class for a BlueprintLibrary includes “Engine.h” per default. I replaced it with “EngineMinimal.h”, but the compile time is still very long…
My Task-Manager usage looks like this:

Ouh I got an significantly better result with arround 400secs. But it’s still very long, isn’t it? I only have 4 modules (2 of them are editor modules) and the others with around 3-4 classes each…