LogUObjectArray warnings when VR Preview isn't Focused

I have created a fairly large application in UE4 based off the VR template project. Whenever I want to test my code I go to the Play dropdown and select VR Preview. This works great but if I ever change context I get flooded with “LogUObjectArray” And “LogUObjectBase” warnings. Here are the ones I’ve seen thusfar,

  • LogUObjectArray: Warning: Other objects in slot
  • LogUObjectArray: Warning: Invalid object index 3080293
  • LogUObjectBase: Object is not registered.

This becomes a problem because once they appear once they appear to continue every frame and eventually destroy my performance. Any idea what may be causing these warnings? Is there a way to find the line of code associated with the warning?

Edit 1: I have since learned that the warnings have nothing to do with the focus as I’ve experimented running different scenarios. In several, I don’t touch the controls at all and after a (seemingly) random amount of time these warnings populate. I have also run in the standard viewport (non VR preview) and still got the warnings. I even commented all of my code, theoretically leaving a clean template (this is likely not true) and I still got warnings. This left me with two choices. Restart from a fresh project template (undesirable) or stifle the warnings (this is what I did). If anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them as this isn’t really a fix.