LogOnlineSession: Warning: OSS: No game present to join for session

With a fairly basic minimal multiplayer game loaded in the editor, I set the Num of Players to 2 and then click Play-In-Editor in Selected Viewport, and I get the following in the logs:

  LogOnlineSession: Warning: OSS: No game present to join for session (GameSession)

during AMyGameModeBase::InitNewPlayer

and later:

 LogOnlineSession: Warning: OSS: No game present to leave for session (GameSession)

They appear to be coming from:

bool FOnlineSessionNull::RegisterPlayers(FName SessionName, const TArray< FUniqueNetIdRef >& Players, bool bWasInvited) {
    // ...
FNamedOnlineSession* Session = GetNamedSession(SessionName);
if (Session)
         // ...
    } else {
         UE_LOG("No game present to join for session (GameSession)"

So GetNamedSession(SessionName) must be returning a null FNamedOnlineSession.

Is that to be expected? I don’t really know what a FNamedOnlineSession is?

The warning doesn’t seem to effect anything (so far), I’m just curious what’s going on?

Any ideas what FNamedOnlineSession is all about?

Here is the stack trace where the warning is called:

FOnlineSessionNull::RegisterPlayers(FName,const TArray<TSharedRef<FUniqueNetId const ,1>,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> > &,bool) OnlineSessionInterfaceNull.cpp:931
FOnlineSessionNull::RegisterPlayer(FName,const FUniqueNetId &,bool) OnlineSessionInterfaceNull.cpp:891
UOnlineEngineInterfaceImpl::RegisterPlayer(UWorld *,FName,const FUniqueNetIdWrapper &,bool) OnlineEngineInterfaceImpl.cpp:363
APlayerState::RegisterPlayerWithSession(bool) PlayerState.cpp:402
AGameSession::RegisterPlayer(APlayerController *,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,bool) GameSession.cpp:243
AGameModeBase::InitNewPlayer(APlayerController *,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,const FString &,const FString &) GameModeBase.cpp:740
AWhiskyGameMode::InitNewPlayer(APlayerController *,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,const FString &,const FString &) WhiskyGameMode.cpp:63
AGameModeBase::Login(UPlayer *,ENetRole,const FString &,const FString &,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,FString &) GameModeBase.cpp:673
AWhiskyGameMode::Login(UPlayer *,ENetRole,const FString &,const FString &,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,FString &) WhiskyGameMode.cpp:39
UWorld::SpawnPlayActor(UPlayer *,ENetRole,const FURL &,const FUniqueNetIdRepl &,FString &,unsigned char) LevelActor.cpp:1008
UWorld::NotifyControlMessage(UNetConnection *,unsigned char,FInBunch &) World.cpp:6005
UControlChannel::ReceivedBunch(FInBunch &) DataChannel.cpp:1650
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