I keep getting this time out error in my UEFN project. This occurs both sometimes when launching memory calculations or just randomly during a playtest / edit session. In my sessions it happens about 25-30 minutes in it seems like but there’s no definitive cause I’ve been able to find.
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Live Edit
Steps to Reproduce
Launch memory calculation in project / Play playtest/edit session for ~30 minutes.
Expected Result
Calculation should execute as normal / Playtest should continue as normal.
Observed Result
I get Connection TIMED OUT where my editor and session get disconnected or I get sent back to lobby with a network error.
Additional Notes
Full error:
[2024.11.03-13.33.28:489][569]LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection… Elapsed: 30.02, Real: 30.02, Good: 30.02, DriverTime: 5432.75, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_0 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_0, UniqueId: MCP:10a971345fe74daba37548d28d19894a
[2024.11.03-13.33.28:489][569]LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = ConnectionTimeout, ErrorString = UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection… Elapsed: 30.02, Real: 30.02, Good: 30.02, DriverTime: 5432.75, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_0 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_0, UniqueId: MCP:10a971345fe74daba37548d28d19894a, Driver = Name:IpNetDriver_0 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_0
[2024.11.03-13.33.28:489][569]LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: Warning: Encountered Network Error!
[2024.11.03-13.33.28:490][569]LogValkyrieRequestManagerEditor: Error: Failed to handle connection attempt (Network error occurred when connecting to a server after matchmaking completed. Error: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection… Elapsed: 30.02, Real: 30.02, Good: 30.02, DriverTime: 5432.75, Threshold: 30.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: Name:IpNetDriver_0 Def:BeaconNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: ValkyrieBeaconClient_0, UniqueId: MCP:10a971345fe74daba37548d28d19894a)
[2024.11.03-13.33.28:509][570]LogValkyrieSummary: Destroying Valkyrie Beacon