Login Failed - UEFN Requires a Successful Login to Run.

Hi All!

I have received this error while trying to open the new UEFN. I’ve tried it on 3 different epic accounts and i get the same error message, however it works for others. I’ve reinstalled the editor twice and even made a new epic account but nothing seems to work.

Is there anyone who is willing to help me out here? It would mean a lot :slight_smile:

This is the exact error message:

Login failed: Unable to login to your Epic Games account at this time. Please try again later.

UEFN requires a successful login to run. Shutting down.

Same :disappointed::frowning:

@CookieMaster123 @capybaraenjoyer Please try the steps outlined in this tweet. It’s worked for others even including Epic employees. https://twitter.com/KiriBuilds/status/1638960290283896832

TLDR: It could be an issue with OneDrive and Documents folder on your PC.

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I’m having the same problem; though in my case, the Documents folder is redirected to our windows Domain server for RAID and backup purposes. Just changing the redirection back to the local machine is not an acceptable solution for the many people who rely on network redirction of critical folders… Is this bug going to be fixed?

We’re investigating issues with network drives and UEFN. I don’t have a firm timeline on when this will be fixed but we’re looking into it. Thanks

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yeah this has to be fixed cause it happened to me 20 times in a row.

LOGIN rejects VPN sources - disabling VPN works but is unacceptable and entirely defeats the purpose of using a VPN. If you have an existing account there should be a simple way to bypass this bug without disabling VPN - please look into fixing this because it is problem for this community when you cannot login simply because you want to use a VPN.

this still is on-goinig even after the last Patch of Ch4;S3 (v25.30) This happend to me all the time with when I wanted to build thing that are imposible in Creative Anyway, I hope this gets fixed before Ch4;S4

Kindly fix this issue. It’s still ongoing

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I still have the log in issue after idk how many “solutions”, this stuff is making me wanna quit, and plus, even in the one out of 20 tries i log in, unreal engine crashes as soon as i try to inport a png file.

Not sure if the same issue, but I couldn’t log in at all or launch live edit, and I posted here what fixed it for me: [Blocker] [Critical] Cannot connect to server for days. Fortnite CRASH, Cannot Launch Session. Getting FAILURE and FATAL messages in outlog. - #8 by Wertandrew

please someone fix this issue I want to make maps but no matter what I do it just says the same message eveiry single time

The same problem here :frowning_face:
I will try to solve it reinstalling my Windows

Already tried that…
Worked fine for a day, but got the same error again now.

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Same, I hope they will fix it soon or even communicate with us since thats not happening currently.

Go to epic games laucnher click on library click on the three dots next to fortnite click manage click on the folder icon next to uninstall go to fortnitegame\binaries\win64 and find unrealeditorfortnite-win64-shipping.exe and run it as administrator wait until chrome pops up with the epic login screen close chrome then close uefn the just open it from the epic games launcher