Im using a source build of UE 5.4.3, I just setup baked lighting for my level. Does anyone know why after a minute or so of having the level open, the engine will crash with the following error.
this also occurs in packaged builds for windows and android
(android device is a quest 3)
fatal error: [File:C:\Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine5.4-Source\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 419]Shader compilation failures are Fatal.
Ive attempted:
- Recompiling the Source build of the engine
- Recompiling shaders via console command
- deleting project binaries, intermediate, etc. and recompiling the project in visual studio
Edited to add: Relevant lines from Crash Log
edit 2: this occurs in packaged builds too
edit 3: im not using the DLSS plugin but just incase this is a similar issue with hardware, i left a comment (at below link) after attempting the fix below which did not work
[link to possible NVIDIA bug forum post] Unreal Engine NIS Crash on 10 Series GPUs/GTX - DLSS - NVIDIA Developer Forums
crash logās relevant lines:
[2024.07.25-02.47.26:530][ 1]LogD3D12RHI: Waited for PSO creation for 100.000000ms
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:167][622]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Failed to create pipeline state with combined hash C540A798A5D1314C, error 80070057.
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogD3D12RHI: Warning: Failed to create graphics PSO with combined hash 0xC540A798A5D1314C:
AlphaToCoverageEnable = 0
IndependentBlendEnable = 1
RenderTarget[0] = { 1, 0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4, 0x0, 0x2 }
SampleMask = 0xFFFFFFFF
FillMode = 3
CullMode = 3
FrontCounterClockwise = 1
DepthBias = 0
DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000
SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000
DepthClipEnable = 1
MultisampleEnable = 1
AntialiasedLineEnable = 0
ForcedSampleCount = 0
ConservativeRaster = 0
DepthEnable = 1
DepthWriteMask = 0
DepthFunc = 7
StencilEnable = 0
StencilReadMask = 0xFF
StencilWriteMask = 0xFF
FrontFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
BackFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
InputLayout.NumElements = 1
InputLayout[0] = { āATTRIBUTEā, 0, 0x2, 0, 0, 0x0, 0 }
IBStripCutValue = 0x0
PrimitiveTopologyType = 0x3
NumRenderTargets = 1
RTVFormats[0] = 0x57
DSVFormat = 0x14
SampleDesc = { 1, 0 }
NodeMask = 0x1
Flags = 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Failed to create graphics pipeline, hashes: Vertex: B55FCBE0C1AD03766D8F4CC2E6F4350B47F45B46, Pixel: 190250BD1935B929052D768EC183913753D44E13, Pipeline: 59D20EE47B29AE34253D9EBB4FAFE5F145756D59.
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Vertex:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Pixel:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Render Targets: (8)
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x2
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Depth Stencil Format:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0xb
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:C:\Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine5.4-Source\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 419]
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.