LogD3D12RHI: Error: Failed to create pipeline state with combined hash.- Crash in editor and packaged builds (Source Build of Engine)

Im using a source build of UE 5.4.3, I just setup baked lighting for my level. Does anyone know why after a minute or so of having the level open, the engine will crash with the following error.

this also occurs in packaged builds for windows and android
(android device is a quest 3)

fatal error: [File:C:\Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine5.4-Source\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 419]Shader compilation failures are Fatal.

Ive attempted:

  1. Recompiling the Source build of the engine
  2. Recompiling shaders via console command
  3. deleting project binaries, intermediate, etc. and recompiling the project in visual studio

Edited to add: Relevant lines from Crash Log
edit 2: this occurs in packaged builds too
edit 3: im not using the DLSS plugin but just incase this is a similar issue with hardware, i left a comment (at below link) after attempting the fix below which did not work

[link to possible NVIDIA bug forum post] Unreal Engine NIS Crash on 10 Series GPUs/GTX - DLSS - NVIDIA Developer Forums

crash logā€™s relevant lines:

[2024.07.25-02.47.26:530][ 1]LogD3D12RHI: Waited for PSO creation for 100.000000ms
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:167][622]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Failed to create pipeline state with combined hash C540A798A5D1314C, error 80070057.
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogD3D12RHI: Warning: Failed to create graphics PSO with combined hash 0xC540A798A5D1314C:
AlphaToCoverageEnable = 0
IndependentBlendEnable = 1
RenderTarget[0] = { 1, 0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4, 0x2, 0x2, 0x4, 0x0, 0x2 }
SampleMask = 0xFFFFFFFF
FillMode = 3
CullMode = 3
FrontCounterClockwise = 1
DepthBias = 0
DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000
SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000
DepthClipEnable = 1
MultisampleEnable = 1
AntialiasedLineEnable = 0
ForcedSampleCount = 0
ConservativeRaster = 0
DepthEnable = 1
DepthWriteMask = 0
DepthFunc = 7
StencilEnable = 0
StencilReadMask = 0xFF
StencilWriteMask = 0xFF
FrontFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
BackFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
InputLayout.NumElements = 1
InputLayout[0] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 0, 0x2, 0, 0, 0x0, 0 }
IBStripCutValue = 0x0
PrimitiveTopologyType = 0x3
NumRenderTargets = 1
RTVFormats[0] = 0x57
DSVFormat = 0x14
SampleDesc = { 1, 0 }
NodeMask = 0x1
Flags = 0x0

[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Failed to create graphics pipeline, hashes: Vertex: B55FCBE0C1AD03766D8F4CC2E6F4350B47F45B46, Pixel: 190250BD1935B929052D768EC183913753D44E13, Pipeline: 59D20EE47B29AE34253D9EBB4FAFE5F145756D59.
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Vertex:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Pixel:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Render Targets: (8)
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x2
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: Depth Stencil Format:
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogRHI: Error: 0xb
[2024.07.25-02.47.41:169][622]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:C:\Unreal Engine\UnrealEngine5.4-Source\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 419]
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.


I got the same error, my log:

[2024.07.26-16.47.06:776][589]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Failed to create pipeline state with combined hash 64D1392549498960, error 80070057.
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogD3D12RHI: Warning: Failed to create graphics PSO with combined hash 0x64D1392549498960:
AlphaToCoverageEnable = 0
IndependentBlendEnable = 1
RenderTarget[0] = { 1, 0, 0x5, 0x6, 0x1, 0x1, 0x6, 0x1, 0x0, 0xF }
SampleMask = 0xFFFFFFFF
FillMode = 3
CullMode = 3
FrontCounterClockwise = 1
DepthBias = 0
DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000
SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000
DepthClipEnable = 1
MultisampleEnable = 1
AntialiasedLineEnable = 0
ForcedSampleCount = 0
ConservativeRaster = 0
DepthEnable = 0
DepthWriteMask = 0
DepthFunc = 8
StencilEnable = 0
StencilReadMask = 0xFF
StencilWriteMask = 0xFF
FrontFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
BackFace = { 1, 1, 1, 8 }
InputLayout.NumElements = 11
InputLayout[0] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 0, 0x6, 0, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[1] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 1, 0x1F, 1, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[2] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 2, 0x1F, 1, 4, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[3] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 3, 0x57, 2, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[4] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 4, 0xA, 3, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[5] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 15, 0x22, 3, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[6] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 5, 0xA, 3, 8, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[7] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 6, 0xA, 3, 8, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[8] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 7, 0xA, 3, 8, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[9] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 14, 0x2, 4, 0, 0x0, 0 }
InputLayout[10] = { ā€œATTRIBUTEā€, 13, 0x2A, 5, 0, 0x1, 1 }
IBStripCutValue = 0x0
PrimitiveTopologyType = 0x3
NumRenderTargets = 1
RTVFormats[0] = 0xA
DSVFormat = 0x14
SampleDesc = { 1, 0 }
NodeMask = 0x1
Flags = 0x0

[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: Failed to create graphics pipeline, hashes: Vertex: D8C6CD59A577640637B093E96DA5F9B186A182F1, Vertex: D8C6CD59A577640637B093E96DA5F9B186A182F1, Pipeline: 7AB0F062AE242610EFDDFD26F9C54185CF04D5B4.
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: Vertex:
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: Pixel:
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: Render Targets: (8)
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0xa
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0x0
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: Depth Stencil Format:
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogRHI: Error: 0xb
[2024.07.26-16.47.06:777][590]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\PipelineStateCache.cpp] [Line: 419]
Shader compilation failures are Fatal.

I want to add that switching to DX11 from DX12 made it so i could keep working on my project, although itā€™s not a solution to the underlying issue, itā€™s a workaround that made me able to continue for now.

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Curious, have you found a proper solution for this yet? I am getting the exact same error

No, so far iā€™ve just been sticking to DX12

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I actually was able to fix it in my case by swapping from DX12 to DX11.

It originally ran just fine with DX12, but then it started giving me this issue.

Maybe someone this will be useful to someone with more technical, in depth knowledge of the engine.

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We have the same issue, and struggling against it for couple months( after we switched to 5.4 ). No luck.