LogAdvertising: Warning: GetAdvertisingProvider called with a module name of None.

I have a plan project, I want to add ads for mobile devices, I have made the necessary ad settings. I have added the Google Online Subsystem and the OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay plugins. When I search for the ad containing the code, I get such a warning from the editor.
Whatever I tried, it just didn’t happen. I created a new C++ class and added the following code, Code
... if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) { ExtraModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay"); ExtraModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystem"); ExtraModuleNames.Add("AndroidAdvertising"); }
but it didn’t happen. I couldn’t put the ad in the game somehow, I’d be very happy if you could help ^^

Hello again, I did a final test, I can see the advertisement in the game. If you are working on a plan project, do not add the above codes, just integrate the plugins I have written into the project. Then test your game with test ads. The editor is still giving the warning, I don’t understand why, but the ads are working.

What do you mean “integrate the plugins I have written into the project”? Are you saying just enable those 2 plugins Google Online Subsystem and the OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay? No C++ code necessary? I am just trying to get test ads to work.