Log Verbosity filtering doesn't work properly with custom logging categories in the editor

I have declared my custom logging category with default runtime and compile-time verbosity VeryVerbose:

DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogLightingCompanion, VeryVerbose, All);

Defined it in a .cpp file:


Then I try to use it in an actor class:

void ALightingCompanion::Tick(float DeltaTime)

	UE_LOG(LogLightingCompanion, Log, TEXT("LOG"));
	UE_LOG(LogLightingCompanion, Verbose, TEXT("VERBOSE"));
	UE_LOG(LogLightingCompanion, VeryVerbose, TEXT("VERYVERBOSE"));

I make sure that logging verbosity for this category is set to VeryVerbose by typing this command in the editor:

Log LogLightingCompanion All

However only the first line (LOG) is ever printed.

If I change the target log category to LogTemp and then set Log LogTemp All, it works, i.e. all 3 lines are printed. What gives?