LOD Landscape Problem

Hello guys ! I have recently a big problem about the landscape editor. I’ve imported a terrain from World Machine, with a size of 4097x4097. But, there is a problem with the LOD Distance. I’ve set LODDistance Factor to 10, and some mistake has here. There is a pic of my problem here:

As you can see, some clusters problems, I don’t know where is the problem but… It’s really strange and I need this lod for the framerate in game. Thanks !
Edit: Unreal engine 4 version: 4.1.1

Hi Nicoreda,

Would you be willing to share your heightmap with me via a link here for download or via the forums in a private message. I’ll be able to look into this and see if I can recreate the problem and if there is a setting that needs to be checked or if there is an issue.

Thank you!


Hey, there is the file: http://rekasdev.com/coland/UE4AnswerHUB/basemap.zip
Settings: I’ve changed nothing, just clicked “Import” and changed the LODDisance factor to 4 - 10.
Thanks !

Hey ! I fixed that using less LOD Distance, I’ve set distance to 3 and it works well !
Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting back with your solution! It’s good information to know!
