Local Post Processing Volume not displaying effect

Hey lovely community,

I am facing a really stupid issue that I haven’t encountered before. I have put a Post Process Volume into my scene. I only want the effect to occur in the volume box (so not infinite extend). The idea is to have multiple different ones across the level. I have tried this now in UE 5.5.3, but for some reason it isn’t working when I am entering the volume. I have seen another thread on here stating that you need to make the Priority higher, which I have also tried with no success. (I have also deleted the first PPV that was already in the basic level)

Any other ideas, to what’s going wrong?

Thank you so much!

Hi Tsurello,

under post processing volume search for “infi” check the check box for Infinite Extent (Unbound) that will clear up most of the issues with the post processing volume.