There are DOZENS of forum posts about this topic, none of which having an actual answer. Everyone knows the “Skip Assigning Gamepad” does not work in Unreal Engine 5, and everyone has been trying to find workarounds. It’s frustrating, hopefully we get an actual fix in the next update.
I’ve been trying to get this to work for awhile now, and after scouring every existing forum thread about it and soaking up any information I could, this was my best attempt(these nodes are on my GameMode BP): Local Multiplayer attempt # gazillion posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine
This is what was printed from that attempt:
I’ve tried well over a dozen different ways, including overriding the game mode’s pawn spawning. This one seemed the most promising to me but the keyboard and controller are still controlling the same Pawn.
Does anyone out there have an actual answer to how we should go about creating local multiplayer with just a keyboard and singular gamepad? I’ve seen a lot of forum comments claiming they found a method that worked, but never showing what they actually did. I’m frustrated and I would really appreciate some help or insight into figuring out how to accomplish this in UE5.