I have a training dummy Blueprint Class with an upright training dummy mesh. In its blueprint, I call SetRelativeRotation from the event BeginPlay to rotate the mesh 90 degrees about Y so that it’s flat on the ground. This way it is easily seen when placing it levels, but when playing it still starts out on the ground so it can later animate up.
What actually happens is that for 1 frame, the dummy is rendered upright, and then after that it is rendered flat on the ground. So I’m assuming BeginPlay is not actually called as soon as it is spawned/loaded, but rather scheduled to be called at some later point in time. We are running VR Preview to run (Unreal 4.9), using the Vive. Maybe there is some weird unsynchronized rendering or something causing a frame to render before BeginPlay?
Any ideas? I basically just want an equivalent to Awake() or Start() from Unity, where I can guarantee that my initialization happens before rendering.
I tried construction script, but that changes the pose when placing in editor, which we don’t want.
The flicker only happens when the level containing the target dummies is not loaded in editor.
Both LoadStreamLevel and OpenLevel cause the flickering when used to load the level.
I’ve only noticed it happening in VR Preview, not normal simulate.