LiveLink - how to get messaging in a packaged game?

For a cave environment, I need to run Unreal in game mode (packaged or via -game argument), and I have been struggling to get LiveLink to run outside of editor.
Documentation mentions “UDP Messaging is not enabled by default in game. You can enable it by adding messaging in a packaged game”.
I apologize for the ignorance, but what does that means, practically?

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I thought it was as simple as a command-line argument: -messaging

And it is.

On my context something else was not passing through.

To anyone who might struggle on running LiveLink in game, note that a preset with the connection settings is needed (as configured from the in-editor Live Link window) and such preset needs to be activated with an Apply to Client node, as in:


I cannot save the Apple AR face tracking preset in the live link pannel.
Preset - Save as preset will save an empty preset

As I started the packaged exe with argument: -messaging, the live link still not work for the app.
But in editor, it just run well.
Is there anyting I missed?
Thank you very much

hi! anyone got this working? thanks!

I desperately trying to get this to work. “-messaging” behind the build.exe, check. Is it normal that the connection preset don’t show any settings in content browser? Also where do I put the “Apply to client” node? Into my character blueprint or the scene BP? I also get a “LogContentStreaming: Display: There are 1 unreleased StreamingManagers” message on build.

Hi, so i have also been stuck on this topic for the past few days, and after looking at this post i was finally able to figure out how to set the system up properly.
what the screenshot above does is simply assign the default Live Link preset that is loeaded at runtime which can simply be set in the project settings->Plugins->LiveLink->Default role settings
Have fun!!!


Hey, i just go the FaceAR Sample working in a packaged build 4.27. First of all you have to make sure everything works fine in the editor. Then for me what it took was :

  • Creating a LiveLinkPreset and setting it to the Default Live Link Preset in Project Settings > Live Link like @TommasoKB suggested

  • CLOSE THE EDITOR WHEN YOU LAUNCH YOUR EXECUTABLE. You can only have 1 LiveLink “instance” working. Standalone Play is therefore not compatible because you have the Editor + Standalone.

I didn’t have to add -messaging to my executable. Don’t know why.

Also helpful to debug LiveLink connection is the console command : “LiveLink.ShowDebugInfo”.
It show nothing when no subject are connected but the moment my iPhone is detected it shows in the bottom right corner of the screen.

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Unfortunately this doesn’t work for me.

I’ve been using Live Link in conjunction with an iPhone to control the Morph Targets of a character’s face.

What I have tried so far:

  • I created a preset and assigned it in the Project Settings as well as the “Apply to Client”-Node
  • Used the -messaging argument in a windows shortcut
  • I tried the “Message Bus finder” node network
  • The editor is always closed during the packaged game test

In editor all works great. But in the packaged game, there is no response.

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For anyone else got this livelink doesn’t receive data issue.


and run game alone. Don’t do anything more complicated, you don’t need blueprint, this just can work.


It works! Thank you so much for the elaboration

Thank you. I’ve already solved this problem,-messaging

Is there a way to automate this -messaging ? Would like to distribute the file and be able to work around that! :slight_smile:

Thank you my horse!

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