Live Link Face App stream to Android apk?

Has anyone managed to get unreal’s iOS live link face app to show up as a source in a packaged build other than windows or mac?

I have other live link sources available and streaming successfully to an android apk but can seem to (even after trying to whitelist ARKit face tracking plugin) configure to allow android build to see the ARKit face tracking source or data.

Feels like it has something to do with how the editor auto discovers it. I can’t seem to manually (through blueprints or presets) call it. Only the iOS app sending valid frames to the editor makes it visible in the LL client but that isn’t the case in my android package. Anyone have suggestions?

Hello, I’m just curious if you were able to find a workaround as I have no intention of buying an Iphone. Also, where can I find out about using android apk? Thanks.