Live Coding Executes But Does Nothing

Hello Unreal Gurus, I have a question! I’m running 4.22 with vs2019. The compile speeds are pretty fast, however, the new live coding feature does not work. It executes “something” (something because it doesn’t fail or crash) very fast, but unfortunately the code changed or added in vs doesn’t get applied to the editor. Hot reload still works tho. Is this a known problem or am I missing something?

This mirrors my experience of live coding as well.

I can successfully enable and build using the “Enable Live Coding” check box.
I get “successfully linked patch” & “patch creation for module … successful” messages. No errors indicated.

When I hit the play button, nothing has changed.

I’m using the 3rd person cpp tutorial, VS 2017 with project in “Development Editor”, Win64 & I only change one line of code (capsule size) in the constructor (is that kind of changed supported?)

It’s maybe worth noting that this project was upgraded from 4.21 & not created from scratch.

I tested the code change using the “old” hot reload method as well and that worked fine.

Any hints/tips on how to use this feature would be greatly received.

If I:

  1. Close the editor
  2. Delete all the dll, pdb & patch files in the project/binaries/Win64 folder
  3. Open the editor
  4. Click compile (with Enable Live Coding enabled)

… then it will apply the changes via Live Coding and I can see them when I hit “play”.

However, this is a “one shot” deal - any further code changes that are compiled are not applied.

UPDATE 2: Seems to just be a restriction to constructor code changes (typical I started there). I can make multiple code change updates to non-constructor code easily. WAY faster than the old method.