I want to light Skeletal Mesh with Static Light without Lightmass Importance Volume (so without Indirect Light Cache). Is it possible? Movable objects have option “Light as if Static” but Skelelal Meshes don’t have that parameter.
Anyone could help me?
Thank you.
Hi ,
Is there a reason you do not want to use the IDC? The volume samples are still placed regardless of the lightmass importance volume. You can see this by going to Viewport > Show > Visualize > Volume Lighting Samples.
These will determine your lighting for your skeletal mesh in a fully statically lit environment.
You could go to the World Settings > Lightmass > Volume Light Sample Placement Scale and increase this to 100. This will place the samples at extreme distances apart, where lower values will place them closer together to give more accurate results.
The last alternative would be to setup the material so that your diffuse material is plugged into a multiply that is plugged into the emissive slow. Set a scalar parameter with a value between 0 to 1 to control the brightness of your texture if you need some light on it.
These are my suggestions based on the limited information provided. If you have a specific reason for this it would be good to know for potentially better suggestions.
The reason is that I’m loading shifted level with CreateInstance() (like in Fortnite).
I mean that Fortnite is using loading shifted levels and of course fully dynamic lighting. I would like to ask if the same is possible with static lighting (Lightmaps work good except Lighting Indirect Cache).
Fortnite is using fully dynamic lighting. I’m not sure I follow what you mean.
I’m not sure what Fortnite is doing for the game since I’m not apart of that project and do not have access to any builds. So I couldn’t say for certain without a lot of speculation or bugging a developer on the project about it.
Regardless, I did just find the option to disable Indirect Lighting Cache for movable/skeletal objects.
In the details panel > Lighting > expand advanced parameters > Indirect Lighting Cache Quality.
There is a drop down here with LLCQ Off, Point, and Volume options. If you put it on “Off” it will no longer use the Indirect lighting cache. I tested this in the vehicle template by disabling this on the car skeletal mesh and testing the other methods as well. It’ll remove them completely for this object. So any movable/skeletal meshes that you want to do this will will need it set for each one.
I hope this helps.