I have decided to try and get my vr project working in Linux. To my surprise, vr works quite well in linux now.
So I have got my project running on Linux. Head tracking works great. I’m using the valve index with knuckles controllers. I have hit a wall getting my motion controllers working in unreal. Outside of unreal my controllers are being tracked properly, but in my game there is no tracking data coming in. And of course no button input, but i will tackle that after i have tracking.
Does anyone know what steps i could take to start debugging this?
I have the steamvr and openxr plugins enabled
I have motion controllers in my character BP and both controllers render on the floor. They do not move. When i push the steamvr menu button (exiting my game), i am then able to see my controllers correctly.
disable steam vr and oculous and only use the open xr
it will work without the steam plugin
your project has to start as the vr template to get the inputs working
I’m not sure
but I think there is an oculous open xr addon plugin
if you are using valve gear then steam vr has to be open and running for it to go
I had a similiar issue recently
if I figure out what it was I’ll comment
The OpenXR plugin should work fine on its own in Windows as well. The VR software of your headset needs to configure itself as the active OpenXR runtime before it will work, so make sure you have run it at least once with the headset plugged in. All the software should also have configuration options to reset it as the active runtime.