Links Not Working

Many of the marketplace links do not work (at least for me). It appears that if a link begins with www it will not link properly. I also noticed that links to the marketplace are not consistent some say “Unreal Engine Marketplace | Store of UE Assets for Games and 3D Rendering - UE Marketplace” or “Unreal Engine Marketplace | Store of UE Assets for Games and 3D Rendering - UE Marketplace” while the main marketplace page is “Unreal Engine Marketplace | Store of UE Assets for Games and 3D Rendering - UE Marketplace”.
The link “Unreal Engine Marketplace | Store of UE Assets for Games and 3D Rendering - UE Marketplace” does seem to connect properly but I was only able to find it on the publish portal page.
Also when on the marketplace page it indicates that I need to “sign in” in the upper right corner. The link does nothing and I can still buy and download content.

None of the Free Community Assets are working :frowning:


We’re wrapping up a remapping of the URLs right now. Those Marketplace links appear to be redirecting correctly now and I’ve clicked through a handful of the Free Community Assets with success.

Would you mind confirming you’re seeing them work too?

Thanks for working on this,

The link “” is working now but “" still down not seem to work which in the one in the header of this page.

not sure if this counts:

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Sure does, thanks for the report!

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