Link Error Plugin

I’m trying use a class existing in the c++ files of my plugin (Game\Plugins\ImitationLib\Source\ImitationLib\Private\RingBuffer)

I’m using the RingBufferConsumerClass here :

Here’s my .build.cs of my game :

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] 
			//default modules

			//added modules
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]{"ImitationLib"});
PrivateIncludePathModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]{"ImitationLib"});

as you see I added my plugin but I still get this linking error :

What does the ringBufferConsumer constructor look like? From the error it seems to take in a RingBufferReadLock pointer and an int. I think that is where your problem lies.

Does it have a parameterless constructor version?

Also does unreal allow for multiple inheritances? I thought that in Unreal you could only inherit from one class and then add on implemented interfaces.

Sure here is the RingBufferConsummer class :

And yeah UE 5 allow multiple inhetirances as long as it has the constructor UMyComponent(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)

I think the issue is just that RingBufferConsummer.cpp is not compiled when I’m trying to access it from my game

Solved, I just needed to add IMITATIONLIB_API tag behind my class name

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