In trying to research the issue I am experiencing, I have found multiple people with the same problem with no solution.
When I do a linetrace by channel, by default, it does not hit the BP_Actor. If I change the trace channel to Camera, the trace will return the hit actor. However, I need to trace past the collision component to hit the mesh in order to get the “Hit Bone Name” of the mesh.
By default, the collision component’s collision settings are set to “Pawn” which is set to BLOCK CAMERA and IGNORE VISIBILITY, and the mesh’s collision settings are set to “Character Mesh” which also is set to BLOCK CAMERA and IGNORE VISIBILITY.
I change the mesh’s collision settings to custom and set VISIBILITY to BLOCK. I assume because the collision component’s collision is ignoring the visibility channel, that the mesh will be able to detect it. But that is not the case. It appears the the mesh is inheriting the collision settings of the Collision Component.
I have even tried creating a custom channel to trace on and I still do not get the results I am looking for.
What is the proper way to trace a Skeletal Mesh’s bone if the actor has a Collision Component?
Is there something I am missing or doing incorrectly?
I had this working correctly in a previous project and have used this as a reference, and to my knowledge everything is identical.