So me and my class group tried to do the following on both our computers and we are seeing the same results:
select our linear stairs BSP
click on “convert to static mesh”
Save menu come up as normal. type a name and select a folder and click save
object disappears from the level and nothing is saved to the selected folder, or any folder for that matter.
cntrl Z to undo and bring stairs back
I tried with our cylinder BSP and same problem. However I open a different project and performed it on a cube BSP and it did work just like it is supposed to.
I found another clue while waiting for a response. If I drag and drop a new BSP, the conversion works just fine on our map.
One of the students in the group has 8.4.2 where I and the other have 8.4.3. My theory is that I created my portion in my version, Student A created it in his, then student B tried combining it. Is it possible that bouncing back and forth between versions fried our level?
I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my end thus far. Do you have any steps I can take to recreate this on my end? Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content?
I’ve experienced this too. It seems that you MUST have the level that the BSP is in currently active. If you’re trying to convert while in a different level, it causes the BSP to disappear.
adding new BSP to the level in question seems to be the only fix so far. I still believe that this is a very unique bug where we are doing a group assignment for a college course. One of the members of my group hadnt updated their UE 4.8. It appears opening and saving back and forth from the two versions fried the map file causing my issue and a couple others. We have it pretty much repaired at this point.
It is highly recommended that a project be worked on on the same engine version across all computers being utilized. There are numerous issues that can arise from cross version work, this is definitely one of those. I’m going to mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If this occurs while the project is being developed solely in 4.8.3, please post here with updated information.