Line trace showing widget after detected actor

I’ve been trying to get this to work for a month plus now, it only seems to function with a sphere collision not a line trace. I have a widget in the player that is hidden by default, and want to make it show up or show up where the player is looking when the line trace detects a player.

So far it works well and detects the proper actor with tag, but for some reason wont show the widget. If anyone is able to lend me a hand as to why this is not working that would be amazing.

Extra info, NameTag is the name of the widget on the player.

Images attached below

I’m not sure why this isn’t working, but it looks like you are doing this for a multiplayer game. Is there any way you could narrow down the problem with a dummy BP to test as single player?

Then you would know if the problem is your widget/logic or your replication coding.

Managed to fix this after some time working on it. Thank you for the help Detach


It seems my “Is Localaly controlled” variable node running into the branch was constantly returning false, so simple fix and got it working. Though now I have it always show the widget of the player who initiated the line trace because its casting to itself, Is there any way that you would know best to cast it to the object it hit? Not sure exactly how to do that.

Thank you for all the help.

No problem!
I’m not clear on your second question though. I thought line traces always gave access to the object hit. And, it isn’t the trace hitting self because your screenshot shows you have the box checked for it not to do that.