I’m trying detect the left the right and side of a box but everything i try to code it. it detects the world direction and will only detect the left and right sides when im facing the world direction. how do i get it to use the character/camera as reference point instead to detect the left and right sides?
Hi man,
Dont understand , can you be simpler and clearer? add a doodle or a screenshot
**I’ll try so right now my code looks to detect the right side of a cube but only if i’m facing the north direction in the world but the moment i turn the character any other direction my detection for the right side is in the wrong place relative to my character the lines in the picture or yellow is just my line trace the blue dot is my detection for ledge/edge detection for the top while the pink is supposed to be the detection for the right side which can be non existent at times
picture of character facing north**
**picture of character facing east **
picture of character facing south
**picture character facing west **
For what i see the Pink make sense!
You detected the Right side of the Cube and you are casting out a Pink
The pink is not visible from the Est because is behind the Cube !
Try using a drawdebug line with like 10 seconds, so you can go round the cube and see it .
I hope i get what you need
if not let me know
By the way , jjust try to cast some debug lines with 1000 of distance on the objject you want,
be careful that every mesh/ actor have his own orientation, so color the lines .
yes it is there but the problem or rather what i’m trying to do is have the pink detection…detect the right side of a box in front of my character no matter the direction they are facing similar to the north picture but for all facing direction. Like even if a person is facing a different direction his their right side is still their right side my detection isn’t show based on where my character is located or oriented it’s on detection right based on the world direction i guess… I’m entirely sure so i might be making this more confusing than it might actually be**