Line Trace Draw Debug Broken


In UE5.3, when I try to use any form of Draw Debug on line or sphere trace, my screen becomes black and all my objects (moving platforms) appear offset to the left, as weird glitched line artefact, and other small lines appear at the bottom left of the black screen.

Basically, I can’t use the Debug visualization on traces… Is this a new glitch?

I’m at a loss, never seen anything quite like this…

Orthographic camera is on, but I have tried without it and the black screen persists. I am using a Player Camera Manager.

Without visualization (normal level):

With a simple line trace debug visualization:

(I can only assume some of these weird horizontal lines represent somehow my platforms.)



Same here!
Edit : update to 5.3.1 to fix, and don’t use cine cam.

I tried making a new project and the bug did not appear. I think usage of the Player Camera Manager might also trigger it.

Currently seeing this in 5.3.2. Is it really an Unreal version thing?

No custom player camera manager. Happens in ortho and perspective, but only in the PIE window.

Having the same issue in 5.3.2. Happens in PIE and stand-alone mode. Very odd. Did anyone find a solution?

Looks like this may be a known bug that happens when the camera aspect ratio does not match the viewport: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-199454)