Line of sight. Dynamic mesh

200 mesh edges are not enough for a circular mesh.

Also for circular meshes it is necessary to set the property “angle 1” = 0 , “angle 2” = 180 degrees, the angles are calculated to the right and left, ie 180 is 360 degrees.

Check the properties of the tick function, they should be default and executed every tick.
The component should not be moved by any function.

Example 450 edges



Since UE version 5.3:

Added functions:

  • SetPauseTrace - This function is faster than StopLineTrace and does not stop the rotation functions. StarLineTrace - requires filling a huge data array.

  • SetPauseBuildMesh - This function is faster than StopBuildMesh and StarBuildMesh. StarBuildMesh - requires filling a huge amount of data and calculating the order of triangulation.

  • SetGlobalPause, IsPauseTrace, IsGlobalPause, IsPauseBuildMesh, GetVertex*.

StartOAEArc, StartOAEFlat - [How to use it will be described later]

Added ability to skip one frame (Game Frame) to increase performance. [How to use it will be described later].

Fixed bug: incorrect thickness of debug lines

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Hello, quick question. Is it possible to ignore some actors to begin with?

Like ignore terrain. I am trying to simulate a radar and the view distance is like 200 miles let’s say. The frame drop is crazy as it hits cesium terrain. How can I ignore that to resolve such issues?

Hi. Probably the problem is the long trace distance and all the rays are hitting the obstacle.
Just change “Collision Responses” in landscape settings.

Any update on what those other features are that you havent gone into detail about yet? :slight_smile:

I’ve updated the documentation.

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@Babush61 Hello! Do you happen to know what would cause this error when cooking project? UE5.2

LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package D:/MMO_Project_5.2/MMO_BMonline/Plugins/LineOfSight/Content/Material/MI_PostProcess_Mask2_Inst.uasset has newer custom version of Dev-Rendering
LogAssetRegistry: Error: Package D:/MMO_Project_5.2/MMO_BMonline/Plugins/LineOfSight/Content/Material/MI_PostProcess1_Inst.uasset has newer custom version of Dev-Rendering

My packaging fails and i only have 4 errors, 4 of which are from Line of sight plugin.

EDIT: It was because i had installed the 5.3 version and manually edited it to version 5.2. I wanted the latest features but its not backwards compatible unfortunately.

Hello @ 8DrunkenGods. UE is not backward compatible. Assets created in 5.3 cannot be used in 5.2 project.
Perhaps if you compile the plugin from source, then copy only the Source folder to 5.2.

i’m getting Unavailable when i’m trying to install… any ideas?

whats the best way to achieve the post processing effect WITH an isometric view? i followed the topdown tutorial but the effect looks off because it is assuming the camera is showing from above?

I don’t have any ideas. It’s probably a problem with the Epic Launcher.

I don’t know. I’ve seen it on youtube, but I have no idea how to do it.


nice plugin. i try to fill a array with actors.
BeginOverlap_Event > adds the actor to the array (unique)
EndOverlap_Event > removes the actor from array

everthing works fine, actors are detected and removed, when they move arround.

if a actor is killed with SetLifeSpan(0.1), it will not be deteced from EndOverlap_Event.

is it me or a bug?

Does anyone know why my mesh collides before the object? Is there any way to resolve this?

Perhaps you are moving a component during the game ? What version of UE ?

I don’t understand what the problem is.

@Babush61 Hey quick question for you! I get this warning in my server console from time to time, any idea how to avoid it?

[2024.06.24-17.50.16:753][882]LogProceduralComponent: Warning: Detected 1 degenerate triangle with non-unique vertex indices for created mesh section in ‘LineOfSightComponent /Game/MMO/Maps/Mainworld.Mainworld:PersistentLevel.BP_Minotaur_Tawny_C_2147420923.LineOfSight’; degenerate triangles will be dropped.

Hi 8DrunkenGods. This warning triggers the ‘only one arc’ property,
the bug creates an extra vertex in the code. It does not cause any consequences. I will fix the bug later.

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