Please, any ideas and comments! UE4Problems - YouTube
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Thanks for the answer! I read this discussion. It helped me to solve a “problem 1” partially. But other problems remain not solved. PS: sorry for my english.
I see you may have gotten the problem solved for the shadow fall off.
The other issue with screen space reflections you’ll need to add a post process volume that encompasses your scene and in the details panel for it you can adjust the settings under Screen Space Reflections.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your attention to my problem!
The problem is partially solved the disappearance of the shadows. Change the “r.Shadow.TekselsPerPiksel = 5” gives a good result, but not for all objects in the scene. Objects created from “Box Brush” have no effect. Just changing this setting is not saved for the project. If you know how to save them, please let me know?
The other issue with screen space reflections, I did everything you said, but changes settings under Screen Space Reflections do not produce the desired result. When you turn the camera angle, reflection still disappear. UE4Problems2 - YouTube.
You can save the settings by going to the X:/ Windows / Program Files / Unreal Engine / 4.3 / Engine / Config / ConsoleVariables.ini
In here you can save the console variables so that they are used at start up . Since this is in the start up for the engine this will be all projects using this engine version. The instructions for including them are included in the file along with a couple that are on by default.
Here is a post on the forums for the SSR to help explain it better:
For convenience here is a direct quote from Brian Karis about SSR:
This is expected. Screen space
reflections (SSR) are a primitive but
fast version of ray tracing.
Reflection rays are tracing against
the depth buffer of the screen. To do
so it steps along the reflection ray
testing each point for whether it
intersects with the screen geometry.
Doing this pixel perfect is extremely
expensive because every pixel along
the ray would need to be tested.
Reflecting something on the other side
of the screen could require 1000
pixels to be tested for a single ray.
For performance reasons it does far
fewer and does some fancy filtering to
avoid artifacts that look like slices.
That fancy filtering leads to the
blurry, noisy or smudged look of
reflections.What Jordan is referring to is glossy
SSR which means the blurriness of the
reflection is based on the roughness
of the material. You can see the
difference between the mirror like
surface on the left and the rougher
surface on the right. The roughness
0.3 surface still reflects but the reflections are blurry. This is
correct and desired. The quality of
glossy SSR I intend to improve in
future releases.
Thanks for help Tim!