When I build the lighting for my scene, this static mesh loses lighting from the Directional Light. Tried messing with every knob I could find. Unbuilt, the lighting looks fine on it, which leads me to believe that it isn’t a lightmap problem. The mesh is Static in the scene. Any suggestions?
Hey judgementalex -
Can you post a screenshot and summary of the material that you are using on this particular static mesh? It looks like you are using a Sub Surface Shader of some type.
Let me Know -
Eric Ketchum
Thanks for you response Eric. The object is using the built-in rust material, which I’m also using on a terrain in the same level. The terrain is lit properly after lightmass, but this mesh is not. Is there anything different about how terrains are affected by subsurface shading?
Hey judgementalex -
This is my own confusion but are you using the unmodified M_Rust material? By default that material is not subsurface. If you have used the unmodified material then we need to look at another solution. Can you post the UV maps for your mesh and give me a brief rundown of your level’s total lighting setup?
To answer your other question directly, Landscapes should not be affected any differently than other meshes when in regards to subsurface other than if a light was below the landscape shinning upwards.
Thanks and sorry again for my confusion -
Eric Ketchum
Sorry about that, the object is indeed using the M_Rust material unmodified. I’m using a tiled box map for the UVs as seen here:
As for the lighting setup, it’s a single directional light. I have changed a lot of its properties trying to get it to work, but you’re probably right in thinking it might be a UV issue.
Hey judgementalex -
This looks like your directional light is facing up underneath your mesh? Are you using a landscape and and have the “sun” rotated underneath it? That is what it looks like in the built lighting section. Landscapes will allow light to shine through them as they are technically only one side.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum