Lightmass: multi-bounced sky lighting

Could someone be kind and recompile lightmass binaries to 4.17 version ?

[4.16 lightmass] does not work on 4.17 :frowning:

I use 4.16.1 and download unreallighmass. Exercise but I haven’t original files and can’t work. Please help

I made it work in 4.17

Below are the steps that I took:

  1. Download the code for the 4.16 version of these lightmap changes from GitHub (see first post)
  2. Download the Unreal Engine 4.17 code from GitHub.
  3. Replace the following files in the 4.17 Engine code with the ones from the 4.16 lightmass code: in /Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealLightmass/Private/Lighting/ :
  • FinalGather.cpp

  • LightingSystem.h

  • LightingSystem.cpp

  • Mappings.h

  • PhotonMapping.cpp

  • TextureMapping.cpp

  1. Then in Mappings.h replace:

FLockFreeVoidPointerListBase CompletedCacheIndirectLightingTasks;


TLockFreePointerListLIFO<FCacheIndirectTaskDescription> CompletedCacheIndirectLightingTasks;

FLockFreeVoidPointerListBase CompletedInterpolationTasks;


TLockFreePointerListLIFO<FInterpolateIndirectTaskDescription> CompletedInterpolationTasks;

  1. And in Mappings.h add the green lines:

namespace Lightmass
	class FCacheIndirectTaskDescription;
	class FInterpolateIndirectTaskDescription;

	/** A mapping between world-space surfaces and a static lighting cache. */
	class FStaticLightingMapping : public virtual FRefCountedObject, public FStaticLightingMappingData

  1. Build the code
  2. Go to Binaries/Win64/ and copy UnrealLightmass.exe to the same folder in the engine you are using.
  3. Test!

I hope I can help someone with this, let me know if it worked for you!
Good luck!

@Fligeon Nice you found a way to make it work. You couldn’t zip and post the exe here I guess since it’s 's project? A lot of people without C coding skills would like to use this one in 4.17 I think (me included - got me hooked)

If @ is okay with it, I could post a link. Until then I think you can get pretty far by trying out the steps I described, even without coding experience.

WOW. Thanks a lot guys you are great!

Does this mean that there will be no more need to use bounce cards?

Too bad the Github link seems to be broken (404) - maybe @ is updating it to 4.17? Crossing fingers!

The link is not broken, to see it you need to link your github account to your epic account first: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

I downloaded the 4.16 file. I use 4.16.3. It will work right?

yes, it should work with sub versions.

Thanks a lot Fligeon :slight_smile:

for some reason after using the modified exe file, swarm agent is not using all of my CPU’s 8 cores

Any ideas?

8350 FX

i think because two projects were open at the same time. now works good but still 6 out of 8 only

Edit: not only one core :(, too slow
what can be the reason? already set 8 core in swarm agent settings

already set to 8,

dont know what happens
now only one core

I think this is a question for another thread. It does not seem related to this mod since it works just fine for the rest of us.

Will this setup work with Unreal Engine 4.16 for MacOS and if it can, what would I need to do to make it work? Thanks in adavance for the help

Just do it :slight_smile:

@Fligeon I tried building it. First time ever so interesting experience. I followed your steps but the build fails with these errors. Any suggestion?
Edit: I used the latest GitHub code so I think its 4.17.1 -> could that be the cause for these errors? I hope someone has a solution or can post a working UnrealLightmass.exe


, thanks for everything so far. Regarding the file you used which I also downloaded and currently testing, what number did you use for the setting “NumHemisphereSamples” in baselightmass.ini that you used to produce the attached image?