Lightmass: multi-bounced sky lighting

I didn’t tweak that number. I just cranked up the ‘Indirect Lighting Quality’ to 10.0 :slight_smile:

hi @

can we ask multi-bounced for 4.17 ? [exe file in dropbox]

Ok, thanks! Here you go:

I rebuilt it this morning for 4.17.1, just to be sure.

Good luck with it everyone!

@Fligeon & @ Much appreciated! Your exe seems to work - I see Lighting bouces in the Swarm-log :smiley: Strange though you don’t get the same compile errors as I did.

Really? For some reason I still can’t get the best results.

Wanted to ask you, using your .exe file, do I still have to use portals for the skylight or no need for them?

Portals are still necessary, but are a bit less important.

I tried my project with that exe and there was no difference visually, yes in the log it showed the sky bouncing, but it didn’t affect the lightmaps at all. I did it with 50 bounces to be sure on high quality.

EDIT: My bad I didn’t know you had to set it to static skylight, I always had them stationary. Works pretty well, thank you :slight_smile:

Is this working with 4.17 well without errors? Is it worth installing it? And is there a ready to do file to drop it to replace the original?

Yes yes yes

****… It crashes for me upon the start. Anyone elses system crashing with the above post file?

Wait… I think i installed it wrong. Made a backup of baselightmass but that didnt get touched. Where does this file go?

Replace this file:

[Program Files]\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Binaries\Win64\Lightmass.exe

Thxs! Figured it would be that. I was expecting the baselightmass to be replaced.

My scene looks so great with this! All the dark areas are perfectly lit by the indirect lighting now. Thank you so much and Fligeon.

This really should be optional in ue4 by now, it might not be physically accurate but it’s much nicer visually.

It’s more accurate than not having multiple bounces. Interior hallways that need 2 bounces of lighting from a skylight to reach are basically pure black with stock lightmass, that’s not physically accurate at all.

Great work, looks awsome

Im still on the fence about this. Its a great idea really… but i see it like a gama adjustment. Seems to wash out the darker cornera just a little too much. But its not bad. Im doing 2 render with and without and then decide once i see it side by side. I tend to show it to non cgi artist and get their opinion on what looks more realistic. Will report back.

Also… same scene and my render time doubled. Went from 2h 34m to 5h 44m. Pretty big jump.

yes for some reason it does seem a lot slower than before. * has lightbaking got a lot slower in 4.17 overall, or is it just my imagination?*

Yep… slower for sure. Photon gathering takes forever for me. And baking is longer too. I think overall the whole process just takes longer. I ended up showing a friend both versions on my interior. One with the mod amd one with the original. He preffered the modded one. And the more i lool at it, yes its better at eliminating those dark corners. Unfortunately, i have no clue on how to make movies out of my cameras. I tried plying atound with matinee movie butyon and record button, ended up crashing my the editor. Restarted up amd now alot of my eall are glowing like if emissive has been activated. So i guess corruption? I am rebaking again amd will have to wait 6 hours. Better than before thou… i was using bounce cards and have everything at 512 resolution… itbwas taking 26 hours to