Lightmass: multi-bounced sky lighting

Thank you very much, @rafareis123 ! I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your work, it is the best I have seen!

I used the configuration that I mentioned.

It is true that in other projects I have had problems. Surely, in future projects apply some small chamfer in walls.


Hey folks, newly here. Thanks for all the valuable info. However I can’t figure out whether this mod is available in 4.18 already and if not, how to work it. Results with only the skylight is poor at best. Anybody have a small test scene file that I can have a look at? I’m also trying datasmith at the moment. Thanks in advance.

4.18 has its own version of the mod integrated into the engine by default, but you do need to increase the number of skylight bounces in the lightmass settings. I suggest starting with 10 or less.

Thx ZacD :slight_smile:

Hi! excellent results here, but im having troubles to get anything.

This is my simple scene. It has a skylight with HDRI, the directional light, the lightmass volume and a post process to kill off the eye attenuation. Lightmass settings are default (as you could see) and quality set to High. Im using 4.18.3

The second scene is set to 10 Sky bounces and i don’t see any difference at all.

What am im doing wrong?

Edit: after publishing i actually saw a little bit difference, but i dont know if those are my eyes trickering me of it is that subtle.


I’m not really sure what your problem is… what were you expected to happen? :S It did become a bit brighter…


Your indirect lightbounces are set too low, set your Num. Indirect Lightbounces from 3 to 10 that should fix it.

@StrangeLove13 Thanks.

@Makigirl I edited the post because i did notice that, but guided by the examples posted here i was expecting a brighter scene. It was my expectation of the result. It does become brighter after adjusting the indirect lightbounces.

Hi! :slight_smile:

Usually what I do is: I use the direction light to “paint” the lit area(s) on a lower intensity and I fill up the scene with light from the skyight and tune the brightness (if needed) with postprocess…
After the 3rd bounce nothing major will happen so I wouldn’t increase the number of bounces to achieve a brighter lighting…

I’m losing my time to try have a decent lightmass to remove this f**** lightning dark and white leak in my scene. Why is always the same problem in each versions of UE ??? My walls aren’t overcrossed, but as each versions we have always the same error with UE lightmap. In 4.18 and 4.19 preview, if i active multi light sky bounce, i have black leak on all my walls

Tell me please what values you used and in what parameters BaseLightmass.ini ?

Working on it and still having black lines around the corners, so ugly :frowning: Try modifing baselightmass , but don’t work! any idea? all geometry have 1024x1024 maps and appears in red.


You can see on the floor shadows (blocks of the sphere on the lit part) that your lightmap resolution is still low… Even if it has 1024 resolution I guess it’s too big to “visualize” all the shadow information! You’ll have to break up your mesh into smaller pieces to achieve better resolution… or raise this one’s resolution even higher but it would cause a higher calculation time…
I guess that sphere or hemisphere is face overlapping with the floor mesh: sadly like that you’ll have those dark edges, you’ll have to work around it not to have overlapping faces… or set a very high lightmap resolution to make it (dark edges) as small as possible/disappear!

I don’t know what happened but the latest preview (5) gives me the best results in ages! Even with overlapping faces! …there are still some errors though…

That looks amazing, are you using a modified lightmass.ini? What are the errors?

No the original one… there are still a few dark edges at touching faces… (top right small box…)
Oh and what’s the most surprising to me is that there is no padding at all on the sides of the lightmaps!! ??
…lit by a single HDRI…

I had the same thing happen to me when I used the lightmas.ini modification found a couple pages back, the problem went away when I set it back to default.


I tried to recreate your simple 3d scene with 4.19 p5 as well, but no luck. I am still getting some dark corners. Could you please share your scene here?


…sure! I’ll upload it after work! :wink:
Your scene looks nice to me! :slight_smile: …maybe if you would go higher in your lightmap resolution…
…also in my scene the small cubes are not overlapping with each other (corner snapped) only with the walls…