When i try to build the lighting i get this crash every time :
Could you provide more info?
Which engine version(from launcher / built from source)?
A new project for this version or an old project/ from a different version?
Did you try an empty project?
When did this error start to occur?
I am using 4.27 and the project is created in this version . I cant only build my main level , i can build another levels in this project . I dont know when error start to occur . I have 4500 unbuild objects in this level and i created a LightmassImportanceVolume but doesnt work .
Also i have tons of foliage in this level maybe that could be the problem .
Foliage maybe, do you have meshes with overlapping UVs? Maybe you have to undo your last steps or delete some of the big meshes / the foliage.
I will try to delete the all foliages and build . I will tell you the results .
I deleted all foliages and tryed to build but still crashs its not about foliage
Do you have a lot of meshes with a lot of vertices? Are the UVs correct?
How do i check if the uvs correct ? and yes i have a lot of meshes
When you double click the mesh in the content browser you can edit the mesh details. At the top there is a button for UVs. There should be 2 channels. The first one is for textures, the second one for the lightmap. Pls check if both have the faces placed in the gray area and don’t show red lines.
I have checked 15-20 objects but couldn’t see any red lines . I have 2000+ objects so i cant check them all , it will last forever . What should i do ?
You could clear the SwarmCache or delete some of the meshes (maybe there are too much for your pc). Try another lighting quality. Create the map new step by step. Or look in the Autosaves folder and copy one of the autosaves of your map into the content folder and try that map.
Delete some of the meshes and clear swarmcache is fixed problem ! Finally thank you very much for your help i appreciated it <3