I am currently creating a virtual walkthrough for archviz.
My project it build in 3DS MAX and exported to UE using Datasmith.
My scene has a directional light, a sky light, and some point lights.
After building my light, i noticed that one of my walls is a different colour (gray rather than white)
Here are some screenshots to illustrate my problem:
- Full light setup
2.Directional and sky lights ON
3.Point light ON
4.Unlit viewport
5.Lightmap density
Here is some more information.
All my light are set to stationary.
When I set my Directional and sky lights to movable, the problem seems to disappear, but my lightning has poor quality.
Additionally I have a BP_Sky_Sphere from the FPS level, a lightmassimportence volume and a post process volume, with default settings.
I am relatively new to unreal and the problem may be with a really simple solution, but couldn’t figure it out on my own. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.