I am using ue 4.7 preview 5 and one problem i have found is that after converting my bsp geometry to static meshes lightmass show errors about overlapping uv, so after some time trying to figure out what is happening i found the property matrix and saw that lightmap destination index is set to 0. I changed to 1 and lightmass build correctly. I think this is a bug because in 4.5 i dont need to manually set the lightmap index to 1.
Hey Almusx,
This has been the same across all versions. I’ve tested this a few moments ago with 4.5.1, 4.6.1, 4.7 P5, and our internal build of 4.8.
Any BSP conversion will need to have the correct LM Coordinate Index set along with setting the resolution. The default resolution is 4 with a newly created SM from BSP, which is kind of low.
I thought this problem had been fixed in 4.5 with the auto uv map feature?
That is a completely different thing. When you convert a BSP to SM it will automatically create the lightmap UV but not set the coordinate index or the resolution. This is left up to the user to do. BSPs have always been treated this way.
With Static Meshes you have the option to generate a lightmap and set the coordinate index along with the Min target resolution. Even still you will still have to set the LM resolution although the lightmap coordinate index will be set to 1 automatically.