I read an article about Lightmap density, and have a questions : Unreal doc says you need to have a green and homogeneous square density lightmap, like here :
I m working on archviz project, and I am confronted with a problem :
I have 2 choices for my wall :
-> use a maximum space in UV square, for have a better lightmap resolution - but density lightmap inconstant
I would ignore the lightmap density stuff, the lightmap resolution will depend on how complex the object is and how complex the shadows it’s receiving are. For example, a very simple flat planar type of mesh doesn’t need a huge lightmap usually because it can have really nice UV’s. It’s much more about what things look visually than any analysis of density.
I m not sure to understand. So I must ignore the lightmap density, and have a better space square uv optimisation ?
I can understand for two different object, but between 2 walls, it’s not important ? ( for shadow resolution, for light etc…it’s problematic if it’s more defined on one surface, no ? )