I have created a test scene of a small room using the walls that comes with the starter content and a single direction light, skylight and LightMass Importance Volume. There appears to be a huge shadow bleeding across the corners of the room. I also tried increasing the lightmap resolution but the problem still exists.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong.
Thank you,
Here the screenshot
I close the gap but the problems still exists.
Is there a way to avoid placing shell outside as I am creating a house where player is able to walk inside and outside freely?
Using Daniels suggestions I’ve put together a small scene using the starter content and the details you listed above. [You can download that here and open this map with any project that has the starter content.][1]
This map includes the walls as they are with the starter content, a set that have been widened to 1.5 their original thickness, and a setup of ones that are twice as thick as originally were. The image below is of the walls at twice the thickness.
You will notice that the shadows in the map on the edges of the models are bleeding. This is because the Lightmaps need to be adjusted in a modeling software to take into account the resolution they are targeting.
[You can read some information here on World of Level Design.][3]
[This will walk you through setting up your grid in your UV unwrap to match your resolution for your intended lightmap size.][4] This does use Maya for it’s setup but this should be possible in other modeling software that uses UVs.
Thanks for putting up scene together and Link for explaining the how light map works. Clear a lot of things about light map and how to setup the scene.
Thank you