Lighting settings for VR, messed up on Light Build

Hi, this is my first attempt at building a VR project. I’m building to an Oculus Quest 2.
The scene works on the Oculus without building lighting but is obviously very dark.
If I build the lighting though I get these flashing blocks. Screenshots below show how it looks in Unreal VS Oculus Quest 2.

On the test shown here I only have a Stationary DirectionalLight and a sky atmosphere. I have tried the DirectionalLight as Static aswell and theres no glitches but the lighting is very dark with weird shadows. The problem doesnt appear on VR preview, only build. And if I build the same scene to a windows .exe the lighting works fine, so it seems to happen on the build to VR(Android(ASTC)) Does anyone know what the correct lighting setup for VR is?

is your lightmass importance volume too small??? do you have reflection captures set up? is ray tracing disabled, do you have mobile reflection capture turned on? did you make the Lightmaps for these objects or did Unreal generate them?

  1. Open Advanced APKPackaging and click the + next to Package for Oculus Mobile devices. From the drop-down select Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2.Package for Oculus Mobile devices
  2. Click on the Android SDK section, and make sure that Android SDK tools that are needed to build your project point to the correct folder on your computer, and you have set the API levels per your device.
  3. Scroll to the Engine section, select Rendering, and under Mobile and then Mobile MSAA, make sure 4x MSAA is selected.Mobile MSAA
  4. Scroll further to the VR section of the Rendering settings and make sure Mobile HDR is turned off. The following image shows an example.Mobile HDR settingNote that you may need to restart your project for some of these settings to be applied.