Lighting Scenarios break on BSP Geometry

So I’ve set up a simple scene using BSP as the walls/floor. When the lights are in the Persistent Level the map lights well and everything is fine. When I move the same lights into two separate Lighting Scenarios only the final scenario correctly lights geometry while the other has random dark and light regions. The lighting in the scene is just a directional light and some stationary lights.

This appears to be a bug. Anyone else encountered this?

Let me know if you want me to create a repro case.

Hi HighlySpammable,

Can you post a screenshot of the issue and if you have steps that reproduce the issue that would be helpful as well.

When I tried this I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary for what should be happening.



I noticed same issue. When I did change BSP for primitives static objects, lighting scenerios feature works OK.
Looks like there is some problem with BSP lightmaps.

I have the same problem with 4.15 :confused: The steps that reproduce the issue is

  1. Create a new level with static and BSP structures
  2. Open Levels panel and create two new sub levels and change to Lighting Scenario
  3. For both sub levels mad add static lights for two structures
  4. Do a build

And I have this result