Lighting Scenario and Texture stream pool

I have my scene running fine under “Daylight” and was exploring adding a “Night” option. All textures in the scene fit in the current Texture Stream pool, however using Lighting Scenarios, when I switch to night (Keyboard Toggle) I get the red Texture Pool over budget. This also remains after I toggle back to day. The question is, is there a way to “flush” any day or night texture when not used. I am assuming they are the different bakes. Or do I work on the assumption of half the texture pool for day and half for night? Thx.

Do you switch texture for night?

The pool management is basically nonexistent in the editor, but functions correctly in a packaged game.

I’m not aware of any way to flush the pool.

No switching textures in the code - just the effect of loading the different lighting scenario, so light walls become dark, which in effect is a texture switch given the different baking scenarios. I just assumed both textures would be of a similar size and would replace each other, with relevant memory allocation being replaced/removed.

Ok. Like I say, try packaging it, it should work then…