Lighting/Reflection capture needs to be rebuild

Since i started with Unreal Engine i had a problem that dosen’t dissapear, it says LIGHTING NEEDS TO BE REBUILT .
I tried these methods to solve it :

  • Build ( Too many times)
  • Save all after build
  • Build Lighting only
  • Reduce Lighting quality
  • Reinstal Unreal Engine
  • Reinstall visual studio
  • Update to 4.19
    None of these methods has worked, i think there’s something wrong, maybe because of bad CPU ?

I also tried (DumpUnbuiltLightInteractions) in console immediately after build, here’s the log :

CPU : AMD Athlon x4 950 (3.5GHZ/4Cores/4 threads/L3 2mb)
GRAPHICS : Asus Rx560 OC 4Gb

Hope to find a solution …

Hello, thanks for answering! BUT: When I click that (‘Force no precomputed’) It immediately says: “Force no precomputed Enabled, Build lighting once to propagate change” <— If I knew how or where to “build lighting” I would just do that and not need this Forced option! I thought placing 84 lights was building lighting LOL :slight_smile:

So, the same question still, … How to build lighting? :slight_smile:

You says you tried to ‘build’ the lighting, You know where to do that?? I have spent weeks asking where to build lighting but never get a simple answer! Where is this ‘build’ button??? THNKKX!

Above your game Preview, there is a toolbar, on that toolbar there a build button, on the right of that button there is a small arrow pointing downwards. Click on it, put your mouse over “Lightning Quality”, choose whichever you want, click on “Build Lighting Only”, wait through the long loading. Done! :smiley:

OMG, THANK YOU! I don’t know how i missed that, I think I subconsciously thought it must be too simple to work! LOL :slight_smile: I sure appreciate it! BUILD/Rebuild Lighting LOL Go figure ;~)

For anyone still finding this threat via your preferred search engine:
Lighting can be build via the “Build” option. There you have different options for Lighting, Lighting Quality, Reflection etc.

Ah, I just saw, @Redwood57 already answered the question. Then please help the next visitors by marking your question as answered @NextWorldVR