I was altering a material and manually moved my directional light with ctrl+L and messed up my lighting, Had to rebuild it after rebuild everything looked fine until I entered PIE mode. Is there a way to fix this? I’ve gone through youtube and bing looking for a solution even followed a couple of possible fixes they didn’t work - All of my lighting has been on my map since day 1 I have not changed any of the default positions before today, I tried switching a couple from static/stationary to moveable while following a video. and I changed something in Exposure settings (post process) apart from that I’ve tried 2 light rebuilds. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey man, are you using sub-level instancing? if yes you need your lighting actors on the persistent level in order to see the lighting on PIE.
My world/build is just on a landscape map, I’m currently learning in unreal, I don’t know what Sub instance levels are. yet. I found levels I only have one Persistant.
I’ve found a fix, I deleted all my lights, then used env light mixer to set them back up, PIE mode now has light.
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