Lighting build instantly fails with no error in output log

When I try to build my lighting, it immediately fails with no error in the output log. Checking the Swarm Agent log says:

 6:10:30 PM: Starting up SwarmAgent ...
 6:10:30 PM:  ... registering SwarmAgent with remoting service
 6:10:30 PM:  ... registering SwarmAgent network channels
 6:10:30 PM:  ... initializing SwarmAgent
 6:10:30 PM:  ......... certificate check has failed
 6:10:30 PM:  ...... initializing cache
 6:10:30 PM:  ......... using cache folder 'C:\Users\super\OneDrive\Documents\UE_4.26\Engine\Binaries\DotNET/SwarmCache'
 6:10:30 PM:  ......... recreating SwarmAgent cache staging area
 6:10:30 PM:  ...... initializing connection to SwarmCoordinator
 6:10:30 PM:  ......... using SwarmCoordinator on RENDER-01
 6:10:32 PM:  ......... SwarmCoordinator failed to be initialized
 6:10:32 PM:  ...... initializing local performance monitoring subsystem
 6:10:35 PM:  ... initialization successful, SwarmAgent now running
 6:10:44 PM: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
 6:10:44 PM: [Interface:OpenJob] Error: Invalid class

This is happens on all my projects. I’ve tried restarting my computer and reinstalling UE4 and neither worked.