Lighting an object that may or may not exist


TL;DR: Should I use stationary lighting or dynamic lighting for an object (mesh and lights in a class) that may or may not exist in the level, determined at level load?

I’m building a level in which there are a few small buildings (each defined as a class with its own lighting components) that may or may not be inserted into the level at load time. For performance reasons, I would like to use stationary lighting (these buildings will not have to move once placed), but from what I understand they still use lightmass and need to be precompiled. Lightmass also produces indirect lighting that exists even when the light intensity is set to 0 (“off”).

So as I see it, I have 2 options:

  1. Use dynamic lighting only. Add objects dynamically at loadtime. They work just fine, but are very expensive.

  2. Use stationary lighting. Place these objects in the level to precompute lighting, and then at loadtime remove any objects I don’t want. Hope that indirect lighting doesn’t mess up the scene if the lights are not present.

Is it reasonable to use stationary lighting in this situation? Or do I have to bite the bullet and use fully dynamic lighting (likely reducing the number of lights I use)?

Advice is appreciated. Thank you!