Lighting a Dungeon without light sources


I made a dungeon, which is completely dark, no lights nothing, but how can I lighten it just enough for the player to see near shapes like walls? The idea is to have AI patrolling in the dungeon, the player is running around with a lantern, which also attracts AI, so you have to turn off the lantern to avoid enemies, but then again, it is completely dark.

How would you recommend lighting the scene? I tried post-processing the first person view, but that is not what i am exactly looking for. If i am looking for tutorials of night vision, i mostly get the classic green military night vision style via post-processing.

Yesterday I added ground fog and gave it an emission, that worked not that bad, i would need to tweak it a bit, but it would be a solution. But for some reason, when I turned the character, it got completely dark. Maybe I need to build the lighting first?

Sorry, i am a complete newbie, I just got my blueprint to do what I want and I actually thought, that lighting would be an easy step… how wrong I was :smiley: Hats off to all the lighting artists out there :cowboy_hat_face:

Hi Zini, Welcome to the Forums.

Try adding a point light inside of your Character Blueprint. You should be able to tune the intensity low enough that it just illuminates nearby things.

You should also be aware that there is an eye-adaptation system on by default in UE. (simulating how our human eyes adjust to dark/bright rooms) - Disable this by turning off ‘Auto Exposure’ in Project Settings if you think it’s interfering.

Let us know if you have any questions about how to add a point light to your character.


Thank you! I thought of this way too, but I plan to make this an arcade game for multiplayer, so this way everyone would run around lightning :smiley:

I see there is a ‘Component Replicates’ setting on the Point Light that is off by default. So I’d try replicating the point light if you want to see others lights.

Thank you so much for your ideas!

The last point i do not really understand: “So I’d try replicating the point light if you want to see others lights.”

i do not want to see other characters lights, the only light i want to see is another lantern light for examply, but i do not want to see the point light of other Characters. Otherwise they would give away their position, if you know what I mean. Sorry if I get something wrong here and thank you again for your help.

Ah, what confused me is your use of the word ‘but’ (“but I plan to make this an arcade game for multiplayer”)

And also “everyone running around lighting” makes me imagine every player running around contributing to the lighting.

Oh, sorry :smiley: I tried your solution and i have to say, this works the best for me. I also turned auto exposure off, it did not fit. i think there should be a node “visible for owner only” or something like that, i will use that for the spot light in Multiplayer. Thank you again for the help!

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