Lightbuilding Process Crash "huge lightmaps"

Hey guys,
Quick questiuon about the lightbuilding process… When building a large scene with huge lightmaps and a lot of objects… What happens if my system can’t handle the building process for such a large scene ? Does it simply crash ?
I tried to build lighting for a very big hall with arround 220 objects… most objects are using a lightmap resolution of 512x but some are even 1024x, 2048x and 4 objects are using even a lightmap resolution of 4096x.
My problem is that 5 to 10 minutes after starting the light building process my computer simply freezes or crashes… So i guess my problem is my memory ? since im using only 16GB this is probebly to less for building this scene ?

Open up the task manager and see if your ram is maxing out. It probably is. Do you really need 512+ lightmaps on 220 objects?

The lighting build will fail if it runs out of memory, but it shouldn’t crash the editor.

hmm its not failing… my whole system freezes or crahses or just the editor crashes… what the f… is going on.
I need decent shadows thats why im using such hight lightmaps… im also planing to use granite for UE4 to handle this big lightmaps…

It might require a dynamic lighting solution rather than lightmaps, depending on what you’re doing.

We talked about dynamic lighting ones :stuck_out_tongue: UE4 and dynamic lighting in a interior scene looks really really bad…
Im trying to get something visual nice, thats why i decided to go for lightmaps and the granite streaming plugin…

But im still wondering what is causing the crash… Is there a way check what is causing the crash ?

When UE4 crashes it copies a log into the clipboard, you can paste to notepad so you can take a look.

I just checked my memory usage during the building process, the crash happens when my memory usage is at 100% / 16,0 GB
Where can i find the clipboard ?

Clipboard is just whatever is copied to memory, like CTRL+C

ah ok… thanks didint know that clipboard means clipboard… since im from germany my english is not perfect.

I have the same crash here and 16Gb of RAM. I work on a “big” level.
The computer crashes when swap (pagefile.sys) reach 27Gb. The unreallightmass.exe process fill the memory.

I’va observed that UE4.11 building light use less Memory than 4.12 for the same level (why??) and I haven’t crash.

I have 2 other computers (old ones less powerfull) and I distribute the job to be able to build light with swarmcoordinator.

theoretically a single 4096 lightmap requires 64GB RAM to bake.

That’s not true.