You need to be testing properly and using the tools in the engine that are designed to help with what you’re trying to do. For example, you can’t place 10 trees in the same location to test if it can handle 10 trees. The engine also has a foliage system designed to handle large numbers of plants. You should also be using LOD systems
Nah, pines are deliberately placed in one place to create stress for shadows. Situation when the shadow of one tree falls on the shadow of another in the forest is quite common. This overlap caused the fps drop.
It turned out that shadows were cached by the engine by default. Disabling this cache eliminated this trouble, now fps stable 60 in any camera position
What is this cache called and where can it be disabled? My FPS dies like this whenever I place trees. If this solves the problem, that would be wonderful.
Like you said not that many trees and they’re pretty low res. Foliage systems and instancing make no difference with the issue mine have.