Light too intense with closer LOD

So this wall looks fine far away but as you get closer, it gets more detailed, and the lighting gets extreme.
Is there a setting to maybe ignore the wall detail that kicks in? Or lessen the intensity.
Static lights look fine but then we lose player shadows.

Those are nice looking walls, did you make them? :slight_smile:

You should be able to keep static lighting, but tick ‘cast dynamic shadows’ in the details.

I didn’t. It’s from an asset pack. :slight_smile:

I think cast dynamic shadow was on by default (?) And static lights I thought never cast a dynamic shadow because they’re not really lights but paint on the texture?

Seems like the wall is casting shadows on itself. As you get closer they become increasingly 3D. If a light is too bright/close it looks really bad. The contrast gets so extreme. One option I found is to tell the wall itself not to cast a shadow. But haven’t tested that enough to see if there’s a downside. Like what if there’s a corner wouldn’t you want there to be a shadow there, hmmmm…

That may be the answer though, either wall no cast shadow or make sure lights aren’t too bright.

All static lights will cast a dynamic shadow on things that are moveable.

It looks a bit like you might need to increase the radius a bit? ( maybe it’s only catching the protruding bricks ).

Which asset pack?