Hey everyone, this is my first post here. I’ve been working on a project for a client for several months now but i can’t eliminate the flickering, i keep getting these weird light and and shadow flickering on various parts of the scene and furniture pieces. I’ve tried everything i knew and watched dozens of tutorials but no matter what i do it never goes away.
Here are some of the Fixes/Hacks i’ve tried so far:
- Increased final gather quality value in the PPV
- Tried both Virtual shadow maps & shadow maps methods
- Tried Nanite both enabled and disabled on the objects with the issue
- Tried using different textures on the objects with the issue
- Rendered on different resolutions and AA values
- Enabled virtual texture support
- Enabled raytracing in Directional light and PPV
- Now using Ultra Dynamic Sky plugin
- Enabled distance field shadows on the artificial lights
- Tried all three lights mobility
- Disabled the fallback mesh that nanite uses (heard it might cause some weird shadows)
- Enabled hardware ray tracing
- All engine scalability settings are set to Epic (tried cinematic and it made it worse)
- Set the material quality level to Epic
I’m pretty sure that im missing some that i’ve forgot.