Light leaks....what is the ACTUAL solution?

Hi guys, so it seems no matter what I do, there seems to be no way to remove the light leaks in my small arch vis scene.

I’ve snapped lightmap UV’s to grid, increased the padding to 4, snapped wall vertices to each other, angled walls to meet at 45 degree, let walls intersect - stopped walls from intersecting, increased lightmap resolution, lowered SLLS.

I’ve been scouring the forums and researching and implementing what seems to be every proposed solution, some people say to keep it all as one mesh, some people say to split walls and floors up? I honestly have no idea at this point - does anyone know of any other lightmass.ini tweaks I can make to clean the lighting artifacts up?

The only thing that reduces them is increasing my SLLS back to 1, which compromises the quality ,and it doesn’t even fully get rid of them.

Would love some insight to solving this persistent issue!

To be fair the two window openings didn’t have bridges, but the rest of the mesh is tight - I’ve bridged those small bits but I’m pretty sure there’s still going to be leaking.

For some reason my light leaking is only happening when I build production lighting? why does this happen?

The image in the first post has a SLLS of 0.3, which gives great lighting and vibrance - but serious leaking issues. I’ve set it back to 1 in these 3 builds - and as you can see production still has some leaking issues, especially under the set of drawers (no idea how that got there).

I’m currently building the level with 0.5 SLLS, and those two holes filled, all lightmaps snapped and padded, with tight geometry all over - there shouldn’t be a single opening in the mesh. I’ll upload some screens when it’s done.

I feel like there must be a faster way to optimise a scene to prevent these artifacts? I spend so much time doing lighting builds!

Hi there,
I have been struggling with light leaks similar to OP’s for a month. I have read through the whole forum, including the let’s make lightmass epic topic, tried to increase various variables in the config file, disabled MikkT tanget space, tried to delete the Lightmass cache that @RyanB suggested, but none of these helped removing the artifacts completely. I’m using 4.18 but even with the new multibounce skylight this kitchen was super dark so I had to hack it quite a bit. Effectively the main lighsource is a spotlight with a bounce card (half sphere in my case as I found it to have better coverage). I also had to add a direct spotlight because the walls were noisy at the door (still are but less noticable). Found this quite strange as it’s not a distant small hole so it should get enough photons reaching it. I have attached screenshots of 2 variants, both using the same Lightmass settings. The darker one uses the default lightmass ini file (bake time 7,5 hours for the whole house). The brighter one has these variables modified (bake time 15 hours for the whole house):



I have completely run out of ideas so I would greatly appreciate if anybody could give me a helping hand with the matter. :slight_smile:



Maybe you get those results because your lighting is way too fake? :S …maybe it screws up your realistic reflections too…
You should be able to light up this room “naturally”… HDRI skylight (+ a directional light if you prefer) + exposure…
​​​​​​​I’d say that placing more lights into your scene to get rid of the noise is not the best solution! :S

My example maybe won’t be the best (light is coming through a palm plant) but this is what I’m working on right now so will show it with this one…
As you can see increasing indirect quality (10 won’t work every time!) and build quality from medium to production helped to get rid of the noise!
…also lightmap resolutions were doubled to get a softer result (and reflection captures updated)… /at the up right corner of your door you can see blocky shadow because of the low res lightmap/
The scene is lit by a single HDRI…


Your room(s) should be brighter! :S …your first room’s ceiling also looks strange (shadows or AO)… and I don’t understand why your window is so burnt out…
Do you use ANY postprocessing?
If it’s possible I would like to take a look! :wink:

…I did a quick postprocessing on your second pic to brighten it up…